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The Greek-Orthodox Cathedral - Alba Iulia - Romania

The Greek-Orthodox Cathedral, a monumental ensemble raised in 1921-1922 in the traditional Romanian style similat to that representing the Targoviste royal church - a succesor of the old Balgrad Metropolitan church dating from Michel the Brave's time  in Alba iulia.

Also it was destined to serve de crowning ceremony of King Ferdinant and Queen Marie of Romania a cimentation of the union act from 1918.

The Cathedral was designed by the architect Victor Stefanescu, and the project carried out by the engeneer Tiberiu Eremia. It has a quadrilater shape and the church stands in the centre. The church is shaped in a greek cross and is represented by three towers and is decorated in a neo-brancovenean style. 

The entire building is dominated by the 58 m (156 ft) tall bell's tower situated on the west wing.

Since 1975 the edifice has become the Center of Alba Iulia's Orthodox Episcopy, the owner of an important colection of medieval artifacts and most important old Romanian books.

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