An incandescend body, will create a light spectrum, and the spectrum’s color is related to the temperature at which the body is heated.
As seen below, the colors vary for a certain body depending on the temperature point the body reaches
250 | infrared |
500 | red |
700 | yellow |
900 | green |
1100 | blue |
1800 | UV (ultraviolet) |
The change between colors happens trough intermediate colors as the body gets hotter or colder. At a low temperature the body would create a mostly red spectrum but as the temperature increases the rpectrum would turn to blue.
As daylight is formed from the mixed Red Green and Blue light, (33%,33%,33%) it explains the previous phenomenon as an unbalanced mix between these essential collors.
The color temperature is measured in Kelvin degrees, at 0 ̊ C + the real temperature of the body. For exemple for the Nitraphot lamp (2927 ̊ C)
Tk = 2927 ̊ C + 273 = 3200 K
The color temperature varies during daytime, it’s rich in red in the morning an evening but during the day it’s mostly blue. This color fluctuation can be influenced by mereorological factors, season or geographical situation. Artificial sources are influenced by the degree of usage or the power fluctuations.
Try diferent color filters or color filter settings.
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