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Built in the XIII-XIV centuries the Clock tower was the meeting place of the citadel council. Burned down in the year 1676, it was rebuilt in 1677. The clock and the figurenes representing the seven days of the week date as early as 1648. Since 1898 the Tower serves as the city museum of Sighisoara


Day and night the noise and trembling of the city life are all the same .. just the colors differ.

Night photography in Cluj Napoca, Cluj, Romania in the Grand Park, At The catholic church and a bird's-eye-view of the city from belvedere hotel.

Blaj Train Station In black/white


Targu Mures - Houses And Institutions - Marosvásárhely

A nice structure situated in the central aerea of the citadel .
A ranch type house, great style, warm atmosphere .

Still under construction but can clearly see architectural details and exquisit taste !

The Petru Maior University
The Unification Higschool

Targu Mures - Aerials/Antennas

Spreading upon 4.3 hectares the citadel is fotmed by a fortified core surrounded by thick walls that holds the Franciscan Church and The Manutania building.
The citadel was completed in the times of Borsos Tamas - 1602 - 1652 and was built in the late Renascentist style.
The walls are 1 to 2 meters thick and build with river rock and bricks on the outside.

Nowdays The Citadel holds numerous fares and carnivals and it is considered as a recereational area for citysens of all ages and a place to learn history at fhirst hand.

Upcomming - Sighisoara !

The citadel's Reformate Church -Targu Mures

The citadel's Reformate Church in Targu Mures has been built in the place of the old Franciscan church.
The building stages span trough almost 100 years and several emperors helped building the edifice - Steven Bathory, Iancu of Hunedoara, Nemes Gabor and many others.
Trough the years the church has suffered a lot of modifications and thus a lot of the original style was lost.

Still the citadel would not be what it is today without the Church .

McCommy - Targu Mures - Mures

An old communist building serves as home for Targu Mures - Romania McDonalds Restaurant
Preety awqard - don't you think?
Funny dough.. :)

Culture Palace - Targu Mures - Kulturpalota

Built in the time of the Austro-Hungarian empire as a strategy to raise the cultural value of the city, the Culture Palace stands today as one of the most important buildings in Targu Mures

Targu Mures - City Hall - Marosvásárhely Megyei Jogú Város

Azomures - Targu Mures

AZOMURES S.A. is a joint-stock Romanian company established under Law no.15/1990 and the Romanian Government Decree no.1200 of 12th November 1990.

AZOMURES S.A. ranks as the indisputable leader of the Romanian chemical fertilizers industry.
The chemical fertilizers and melamine production facilities together with the headquarters of the Company are located on the western border of Targu Mures industrial zone, by the banks of the Mures River, 5 km away from the town center and at a distance of 10 km to the Airport. Total land under the ownership of AZOMURES is 147 hectares.

The 1st Gate of the fortress of Alba Iulia

The 1st Gate of the fortress of Alba Iulia

Having the shape of a triumphal arch with three entrances, this is the fhirst of three gates that secured the acces from the eastern side, from the lower part of the city.

Made from carved stone the Austrian coat of flags is centerd on the upper side of the gate, in the left there is a statue of Venus and in the right one representing Marte – god of war in greek mithology.
Also there are other sculptures representing Hercules fighting Antheus, Enea carrying her Anchise or Perseus holding Medusas head.

The 1st Gate of the fortress is an important symbol of the city of Alba Iulia and hopefuly it will be seen as an international site-seeing point.

The Custozza monument - Alba iulia

The Custozza monument

 Situated in the centre of the citadel's park near the Union Hall, the piramid shaped monument stands on a stair like base and it is surrounded by chains and cannon-balls. It has been unraveled in 1906 in the memory of the officers and soldiers of the 50th Infantry Regiment from Alba Iulia who gave their lives in the Battle near Custozza in the Austro-italic war in 1866. The majority of men whose names are carved into marble, are romanians from Alba county, forced to fight in harsh conditions for a cause thad did not belogn to them.

The Greek-Orthodox Cathedral - Alba Iulia - Romania

The Greek-Orthodox Cathedral, a monumental ensemble raised in 1921-1922 in the traditional Romanian style similat to that representing the Targoviste royal church - a succesor of the old Balgrad Metropolitan church dating from Michel the Brave's time  in Alba iulia.

Also it was destined to serve de crowning ceremony of King Ferdinant and Queen Marie of Romania a cimentation of the union act from 1918.

The Cathedral was designed by the architect Victor Stefanescu, and the project carried out by the engeneer Tiberiu Eremia. It has a quadrilater shape and the church stands in the centre. The church is shaped in a greek cross and is represented by three towers and is decorated in a neo-brancovenean style. 

The entire building is dominated by the 58 m (156 ft) tall bell's tower situated on the west wing.

Since 1975 the edifice has become the Center of Alba Iulia's Orthodox Episcopy, the owner of an important colection of medieval artifacts and most important old Romanian books.

The Obelisk

This monument represents the struggle for freedom, the heroism with which the Romanian folk fought the revolution in 1784. The leaders of the revolution (represented on the west side of the monument) Horia, Closca and Crisan were captured and executed. But still, the act of great sacrifice is a milestone for the Romanian people in reaching the final national goal of a nation- independence !

" The Obelisk
In 1937, a beautiful obelisk was built in front of the Third Gate. The Project was initiated by "Astra" and carried through by local voluntary contribution. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the leaders of the great serves revolt (1784-1785). It is a monolithic monument, realized by the architect E. Mihalton and the sculptor Negrulea.It has a symbolical call at the base a winged Victory holding a laurel crown at the western side. In the pedestal of the obelisk has been carved the following homage to the three martyrs: "Homage to Horea, Closca and Crisan". " -
Historical data - by Alba iulia Online


The first official record referring to the Sibiu area comes from 1191, when Pope Celestine III confirmed the existence of the free prepositure of the German settlers in Transylvania, the prepositure having its headquarters in Sibiu, named Cibinium at that time.[2] It was probably built near a Roman settlement, one that would be known during the early Middle Ages as Caedonia.
Milestones in Sibiu's history

Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German)
1191 - Mentioned for the first time in a document of the Vatican, under the name "Cibinium" (due to the river Cibin that flows through the city)
1292 - The first hospital in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania was opened.
1380 - The first documented school in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania.
1494 - The first pharmacy in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania.
1534 - The first paper mill in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania.
1544 - The first book in the Romanian language was printed in Sibiu.
1551 - Conrad Haas' experiment with rockets.
1570 - Transylvania became an independent principality
1671 - Methane gas was discovered near Sibiu.
1782 - Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein discovered the chemical element tellurium.[3][4]
1788 - First theatre in Transylvania, present-day Romania.
1795 - The first lightning rod in Transylvania and in Southeastern Europe was installed in Nagydisznód (present-day Cisnădie).
1797 - Samuel Hahnemann opened the world's first homeopathic laboratory.
1817 - The Brukenthal Museum, the first museum in the Transylvania, present-day Romania, was opened.
1867 - Principality of Transylvania becomes part of Hungary, from Dual Monarchy Austria-Hungary
1896 - The first use of electricity in the Austria-Hungary, present-day Romania, and the first power line in Southeastern Europe.
1904 - The second city in Europe to use an electric-powered trolley.
1918 - Union of Transylvania and Romania. Hermannstadt/Nagyszeben became part of Romania
1928 - The first zoo in Romania.
1941 - Saxons lost their historical majority in the population
1989 - The third city to take part in the Romanian Revolution.
2007 - European Capital of Culture 2007

Historic facts provided by Wikipedia