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Blaj Train Station In black/white
Targu Mures - Houses And Institutions - Marosvásárhely
A ranch type house, great style, warm atmosphere .
Targu Mures - Aerials/Antennas
The citadel was completed in the times of Borsos Tamas - 1602 - 1652 and was built in the late Renascentist style.
The citadel's Reformate Church -Targu Mures
McCommy - Targu Mures - Mures
Culture Palace - Targu Mures - Kulturpalota
Azomures - Targu Mures
AZOMURES S.A. ranks as the indisputable leader of the Romanian chemical fertilizers industry.
The 1st Gate of the fortress of Alba Iulia
Having the shape of a triumphal arch with three entrances, this is the fhirst of three gates that secured the acces from the eastern side, from the lower part of the city.
The 1st Gate of the fortress is an important symbol of the city of Alba Iulia and hopefuly it will be seen as an international site-seeing point.
The Custozza monument - Alba iulia
The Custozza monument
Situated in the centre of the citadel's park near the Union Hall, the piramid shaped monument stands on a stair like base and it is surrounded by chains and cannon-balls. It has been unraveled in 1906 in the memory of the officers and soldiers of the 50th Infantry Regiment from Alba Iulia who gave their lives in the Battle near Custozza in the Austro-italic war in 1866. The majority of men whose names are carved into marble, are romanians from Alba county, forced to fight in harsh conditions for a cause thad did not belogn to them.
The Greek-Orthodox Cathedral - Alba Iulia - Romania
Also it was destined to serve de crowning ceremony of King Ferdinant and Queen Marie of Romania a cimentation of the union act from 1918.
The Cathedral was designed by the architect Victor Stefanescu, and the project carried out by the engeneer Tiberiu Eremia. It has a quadrilater shape and the church stands in the centre. The church is shaped in a greek cross and is represented by three towers and is decorated in a neo-brancovenean style.
The entire building is dominated by the 58 m (156 ft) tall bell's tower situated on the west wing.
Since 1975 the edifice has become the Center of Alba Iulia's Orthodox Episcopy, the owner of an important colection of medieval artifacts and most important old Romanian books.
The Obelisk
In 1937, a beautiful obelisk was built in front of the Third Gate. The Project was initiated by "Astra" and carried through by local voluntary contribution. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the leaders of the great serves revolt (1784-1785). It is a monolithic monument, realized by the architect E. Mihalton and the sculptor Negrulea.It has a symbolical call at the base a winged Victory holding a laurel crown at the western side. In the pedestal of the obelisk has been carved the following homage to the three martyrs: "Homage to Horea, Closca and Crisan". " -
Numerous street signs in Sibiu are bilingual (Romanian and German)
1191 - Mentioned for the first time in a document of the Vatican, under the name "Cibinium" (due to the river Cibin that flows through the city)
1292 - The first hospital in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania was opened.
1380 - The first documented school in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania.
1494 - The first pharmacy in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania.
1534 - The first paper mill in the Kingdom of Hungary, present-day Romania.
1544 - The first book in the Romanian language was printed in Sibiu.
1551 - Conrad Haas' experiment with rockets.
1570 - Transylvania became an independent principality
1671 - Methane gas was discovered near Sibiu.
1782 - Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein discovered the chemical element tellurium.[3][4]
1788 - First theatre in Transylvania, present-day Romania.
1795 - The first lightning rod in Transylvania and in Southeastern Europe was installed in Nagydisznód (present-day Cisnădie).
1797 - Samuel Hahnemann opened the world's first homeopathic laboratory.
1817 - The Brukenthal Museum, the first museum in the Transylvania, present-day Romania, was opened.
1867 - Principality of Transylvania becomes part of Hungary, from Dual Monarchy Austria-Hungary
1896 - The first use of electricity in the Austria-Hungary, present-day Romania, and the first power line in Southeastern Europe.
1904 - The second city in Europe to use an electric-powered trolley.
1918 - Union of Transylvania and Romania. Hermannstadt/Nagyszeben became part of Romania
1928 - The first zoo in Romania.
1941 - Saxons lost their historical majority in the population
1989 - The third city to take part in the Romanian Revolution.
2007 - European Capital of Culture 2007